nervine P200 Stereo Power Amplifier
200W into 8 ohms
A new concept based on a Singleton Input Stage.
Minimalist design:
Singleton IPS
buffered TIS
TIS drives the output mosfets directly
Two pairs of double die Lateral Mosfets
Special concept:
TIS (Transimpedance Stage) is loaded by an active bootstrap circuit bringing the natural tone provided by the bootstrap but with added detail typical of an active CCS.

The combination of the Singleton Input Stage loaded by a CCS and the Active Bootstrap loading the TIS produce a monotonic THD distribution where distortion is decreasing with increased frequency harmonics (2nd > 3rd > 4rth > 5th > 6th ...)

The nervine P200 is a full on double mono build.
It has two independent power amplifier boards each one fed by it's own dedicated Transformer.
Each board has it's own rectifying and smoothing circuits.
Each transformer has dual secondaries so we also have one rectifying bridge for each Rail.

Technical specs will be provided by request.
This amplifier took 10 months work from initial design concept to the finished product.
What it sounds like?
Due to it's particular design, It can easily reproduce a large scale image of a complex orchestra and excels in the natural rendition of voices, wood instruments, piano and wind instruments.